Autistic Physical Therapist Consulting and Education, LLC

Toe Walking: When Might An Autistic Child Benefit From Referral Or Supports?

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Toe Walking: When Might An Autistic Child Benefit From Referral Or Supports?

When is it indicated for an autistic child who walks on their toes to be referred for support or further medical screening? While there are some autistic people who walk on their toes and experience pain or other problems, others do not experience problems in association with their toe-walking, and so professionals must use an individualized, person-centered approach to answering this question.

This 27-minute webinar for healthcare professionals summarizes research on toe-walking in autistic children, highlights the range of lived experiences autistic people can have with toe-walking, and provides guidance on how clinicians might take a neurodiversity-affirming approach to determining care recommendations.

Total due $14

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